Dr Elshenawy is the first cytopathologist in the United States to preform RFA.
Learn more about RFA and your thyroid pathology form a pathologist perspective.
Learn more about RFA and your thyroid pathology form a pathologist perspective.
Successful RFA ablation of large bilateral benign thyroid nodules which was performed at our OCC center. Our patient has a progressive multi-nodular goiter for almost 10 years. Her goiter was compressing on her airway and even limiting her neck movement. The options offered to her at that time ; were either thyroidectomy ( surgery )…
At OCC, we have successfully ablated a left lower cystic thyroid nodule, which immediately improved the patient shortness of breath and orthopnea. The night following the Ethanol Ablation(EA), the patient was able to get rid of her CPAP. One month follow up, she was extremely contented from the ablation results and her ability to sleep…